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Inlands Wetlands and Watercourses Commission


The ordinance to create this Commission was passed at a Special Town Meeting held on June 5, 2006. The Commission is comprised of seven commissioners and two alternates. Members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Commissioners and alternates are volunteers. The Commission meets once each month in regular session, and holds concurrent public hearings as needed.


Under the authority of Connecticut General Statute Section 22a-42a the Commission is charged with the task of protecting wetlands of Ashford by acting for the protection, preservation, and maintenance of the inland wetlands and watercourses by minimizing their disturbance and pollution; maintaining and improving water quality in accordance with the highest standards set by federal, state or local authority; preventing damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation; preventing loss of fish and other beneficial aquatic organisms, wildlife and vegetation and the destruction of the natural habitats thereof; deterring and inhibiting the danger of flood and pollution; protecting the quality of wetlands and watercourses for their conservation, economic, aesthetic, recreational and other public and private uses and values.

Wetland Enforcement Officer


Commission Members

Click here to access members:

Inland Wetlands Regulations – Revised 10-1-2013

Agendas and Minutes Documents & Downloads


5 Town Hall Rd., Warrenville, CT

Opening hours

The Wetland Enforcement Officer is available by appointment only. He may be reached via phone or email

Commission Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 P.M. in Room104, Lower Level of the Municipal Office Building at 5 Town Hall Rd., Warrenville, CT. unless otherwise noted. Please verify each meeting location using the meeting Agenda.

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