Emergency Management
Emergency Management Director
Thomas Borgman
860-428-0870 Cell
Deputy Emergency Management Director
Ashford CT Emergency Management
Emergency Alerts
The Town of Ashford has a list of residents to check on in the case of emergencies, such as storms, power outages, or extreme heat. If you or someone you know would like to be checked on, or you know of someone who is housebound, living alone, elderly, or who has a medical condition that may need to be checked on, please call one of the following to be added to our list:
- Senior Center Director and Agent for the Elderly – 860-487-5122
- Ashford Social Services Director – 860-487-4417
Register for Alerts
Click here to get alerts wherever you are with the CT Alerts Emergency Notification System.
Drought Information
The following information provided by Cheryl Chase, drought coordinator for the Town of Ashford:
Ashford is Experiencing a Moderate Drought
The Connecticut Interagency Drought Workgroup has increased the drought status for Windham County to Stage 3 or “Moderate” drought. The highest drought stage, as specified by the Connecticut Drought Preparedness and Response Plan, is Stage 5.
Stage 3 is comparable to the highest intensity of drought Connecticut experienced during 2016-2017. Conditions can vary locally, inside and outside the Stage 3 area and preparations are beginning for the possibility of targeted emergency response should conditions continue to worsen.
Reports of low water levels in private wells, streams, agricultural water supplies, and fire suppression ponds have been increasing especially in eastern Connecticut. Due to the unusually dry soils, the rain that does fall does not soak into the ground and the threat of fire returns soon after the rain ends. Residents are reminded to monitor daily forest fire danger reports and plan outdoor burning accordingly, especially in areas dependent on fire ponds that might not be usable.
To avoid further stressing water supplies and to avoid other threats due to the current drought, residents and businesses are being asked to voluntarily take the following measures:
• End irrigation of established lawns and limit other outdoor water uses;
• Residents and businesses dependent upon private wells should limit water use to only essential needs to reduce the chance of well depletion (see guidance for private well users);
• Prepare for using alternative water sources in the event wells, farm ponds, fire suppression supplies, or other critical water sources become depleted; and
• Avoid burning in or near woodlands or brushlands, and obey any municipal or state orders for outdoor burning bans
• Follow best practices for water conservation and wise water use; and
• Be alert to the potential for worsening conditions and follow conservation requests or mandates issued by public water systems, municipalities, or state agencies
The Interagency Drought Workgroup consists of representatives from the Department of Agriculture, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Department of Public Health, Office of Policy and Management, and Public Utilities Regulatory Authority, with assistance from the National Weather Service and United States Geological Survey. More information on the Interagency Drought Workgroup and the State Drought Plan are available at www.ct.gov/waterstatus.
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warns individuals to remain vigilant for scams related to COVID-19 and take these precautions.
- Avoid clicking on links in unsolicited emails and be wary of email attachments. See Using Caution with Email Attachments and Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Scams for more information.
- Use trusted sources—such as legitimate, government websites—for up-to-date, fact-based information about COVID-19.
- Do not reveal personal or financial information in email, and do not respond to email solicitations for this information.
- Verify a charity’s authenticity before making donations. Review the Federal Trade Commission’s page on Charity Scams for more information.
- Review CISA Insights on Risk Management for COVID-19 for more information.
Key Points of Governor Lamont’s March 10th update:
- Governor Lamont has declared civil preparedness and public health emergencies.
- The Connecticut Insurance Department is notifying travel insurance companies about the emergency declarations and will be monitoring their compliance with the terms of their policies.
- The declarations also trigger price gouging laws, and make clear that municipal leaders have emergency powers to mitigate disasters and emergencies.
Click here for Gov. Lamont’s recommendations regarding COVID-19 March 9, 2020
Click here for Governor Lamont’s 1/27/20 release on monitoring of the coronavirus
Read more information the about the evolving situation provided by the Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC).
Connecticut Emergency Management
Power Outages, Downed Trees and Preparedness
Sudden power outages can be frustrating and troublesome, especially when they last a long time. If a power outage is 2 hours or less, you need not be concerned about losing your perishable foods. For prolonged power outages, though, there are steps you can take to minimize food loss and to keep all members of your household as comfortable as possible.
- Treat all downed wires as live and dangerous! For downed trees and wires, medical assistance or a fire emergency call 911.
- Eversource Energy builds their outage map and assigns resources based on all the calls from individual customers like you.
- If you lose power call Eversource Energy at: 1-800-286-2000 or report online.
- Link for storm information: www.weather.gov
- Red Cross PowerOutage Checklist
- Emergency Preparedness from the Red Cross
- CT Department of Emergency Management & Homeland Security
Consider purchasing a battery powered weather radio!
Make sure to keep cell phones charged. Land line wires may be down. Stay on the call with the emergency dispatcher until they have asked all their questions. If you are calling from a cell phone, the dispatch center will not know your location. Our emergency dispatch center for fire, EMS or other emergencies is a regional center located in Tolland, CT. They depend on you to provide complete information. During the course of this storm and the recovery period, non life-threatening calls to 911 may be routed to our local fire department. Regardless, your concerns or situation will be addressed.