Town of Ashford

Estimated Property Tax Calculator

The Board of Finance has created a calculator to help residents assess their property tax liability.

To calculate your estimated 2019-2020 property tax use the estimator below:

  1. Enter last year's assessed value in the red box (numbers only- no comma's).
  2. Enter this year's assessed value in the blue box (numbers only- no comma's).
  3. At the bottom of the form, click the "Calculate" button to view the data (Your estimated property tax is located in the green box).

This calculator is for estimation purposes only. We are using the mil rate of 35.461, which is based on the adopted 2019-2020 budget.

Last year's assessed value:
This year's assessed value:
Last year's mil rate:
This year's expected mil rate:
Last year's property tax:
This year's estimated taxes:
Estimated tax bill dollar change

* Based on proposed 2019-2020 budget